Screen based communication hand in time...

After a busy few weeks with three live briefs on the go and finishing off my website, its been a bit of a rush to get everything on time. I managed to get my website fully functional and up and running on the internet but my research and development work took a back seat.

I've produced a website that I absolutely love! I think it reflects me as a designer perfectly. It's innovative, very different to other websites out there and it has a lot of scope for other uses. I've basically built myself a template in which I can base websites I make in the future without it getting old or boring.

If I'm completely honest, I don't care about the grade I achieved for this because I know I have produced something that I am more than happy with and can use for a good length of my career ass a designer. It's been so helpful, this brief, in terms of finding a job in the future that a grade seems irrelevant.

Not another live brief!

After finishing off the lingerie leaflet, once again, Mat Desmier came to us with an exciting opportunity. Jim Cregan (see here), musical legend and all round nice guy, wants us to work with Charlie Hole (see here) on producing a press pack, EP cover and album cover for his launch into the music industry with also a chance to have a few photo-shoots with Charlie to get any pictures we need and they need.

This is a great opportunity for luke dan and me and can open some serious doors into the design industry and the music industry. Jim Cregan is seriously connected! He's written countless songs for people including Rod Stewart, played guitar for countless people, the latest being Katie Melua. So for him to see potential in Charlie Holes talent and also our talent is quite a complement.

I shall be working very hard for this man!

Live Brief!

Luke, Dan and myself have been talking to Mat Desmier from the enterprise pavillion and he has given us a live brief. It's for the arts institute's study abroad programme in Brazil! Basically, we have to produce an A3 poster accompanied by a leaflet to be used in Brazil. That means all the copy has to all be in Portuguese! 

The main thing they were looking for in this was that it was 'obviously' British whilst 'avoiding' London connotations as they wont be in London, they'll be in Bournemouth. It also would have to involve an obvious element of fashion as it was for the fashion course at AIB. 

Cracking on!

Now I'm finally back from Christmas, I've been getting on with the creation of my portfolio website. I kept looking over Christmas at different websites and formats, etc. and I'm now satisfied that I've seen almost every style and format possible! I've gone with a simple HTML based website because I wanted to make it easily updatable and accessible but because I wanted to have an element of animation or fluidity involved, I will integrate some javascript into it.

I have come across loads of javascript that I like and decided to plump with a version I found which uses pop out windows inside the webpage! sounds interesting, I know! 

Christmas Break! Where am I now...

Christmas is coming up and we leave uni for three weeks soon! So far I am working hard on the Screen based brief set to us. I have mostly been researching into various ways I can create my website and then experimenting with those ways by putting them into context with what I want and how I want to display my work.

I haven't found one particular method I'm completely satisfied with. That's not to say I wouldn't use one I've come across so far, I'm just still open to whatever format possible. I don't want to decide straight away otherwise I may find something else I really like after being halfway through finishing the project!

New Brief! Screen Based Communication 2.

This is one of the briefs I have been most looking forward to since starting Visual Communication last year. We are required to produce a working portfolio website containing our own work accumulated over our time spent at uni. The website we create can be in any format we choose just as long as it is compatible and fully functional with most browsers, like Safari, FireFox, Internet Explorer, etc.

I have been really looking forward to this brief because it's the first piece of work we are going to produce that has proper physical contact with people other than the tutors or the class. It could potentially be viewed by anyone around the world! It's also going to have to be a true reflection on us as a designer so it's a chance to brand ourselves into what we want to become, be it illustrator, graphic designer or other.

It's going to be our first contact with the design industry for real so I shall be focusing solely on looking at different formats, experimental formats and formats that push the boundaries not only in order to learn but to create a different and innovative site that can reflect me.