Charlie Hole Project-One step further...

After deciding that parcel packaging was a great step in the right direction for Charlie, we began thinking bigger, better and more elaborate in order for Charlie to get noticed and appreciated. Ideas were thrown around, we thought though, the bigger, the better! Why not take everyday objects and make them look unusual and surreal by putting them in an unusual environment and wrap them up in parcel paper, like the press pack box.

Well! after a crazy night of wrapping up a coffee table, dining chair, guitar, cup, place mat, picture frame, standing lamp, a plate and a table lamp in parcel paper, we had a studio shoot with Charlie interacting with the objects and the pictures came out absolutely amazingly! I've never been so proud of the work I've produced along with Dan and Luke. We really have made a good team! But with the added inclusion of Charlie and Jim, None of this would have been possible! Thank you guys!

Charle Hole Photo Shoot.

As requested by Jim Cregan, we all went out on a photo shoot down the beach with Charlie to get some shots of him on location for the press pack and his website. Here are a selection of some of the shots we got from that day.

Charlie Hole

After Dan, Luke and I had a powerful brainstorming session, we came up with a set of difinative themes in which we feel he and his music fit into well. It's essentially him and an acoustic guitar in the limelight, similar to existing artists like Jack Johnson, Newton Faulkner and Jason Mraz. Therefore, we researched into the way they are portrayed through design and we found similar themes throughout like hand rendered type, illustrative, grainy photography and natural materials.

So, in preperation for meeting Jim Cregan, We have created some mood boards of photography, illustration, etc as well as producing some rough ideas of our own which we all think suit Charlie's style perfectly. We all really liked the idea of parcels and parcel paper with white string, especially for a press pack to be sent to record labels and radio stations.