PAL begins!!

The eagerly anticipated FIRST PAL session has been and gone, and what fun we all had. It all kicked off with a little introduction by Vicky, Luke and I about what PAL was about and what the first years would like to gain from it. Then the magic happened!
After some vigorous preperation we got the mother of all ice breakers out..

Pass the Parcel. With 17 layers, each with a question and a treat underneath, and the star prize in the box, the first years didn't know what hit them!

The first years were a bit quiet at first but with a little encouragement from us three, they were all laughing, having fun and getting to know one another. We made sure there were no awkward questions or requests under each layer so they didn't take it too seriously and have fun, which is what we wanted our first PAL session to be about. If they can feel relaxed and at ease around us then we can get the most them and they can get the most out of us.

All in all, the session was a success. We have learnt pretty much everyone's name and I'm sure they learnt some new things about each other. Hopefully this can be the start of a good PAL group.

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