Animal Packaging...

Today we have been set the new brief for us to create a new packaging design along with any advertising media necessary for a new watch Animal, the surfing-type clothes company, are developing and due to release in the near future. Its practically a live brief which has been set by the designers at animals headquarters in Poole.

My initial ideas so far go along the ideas of travel, traveling or possibly an item you would take traveling with you. I like the idea of having a piece of packaging that has a primary use as something personal and a secondary use as packaging or protection for the watch without compromising the quality or security of the watch.


Today, we had a meeting with James, the designer working in conjunction with us on the inkbar branding, about our logo, how it will be used, where, etc.

Basically, he's come up with the menu and various other bits and pieces for it which we all really liked and tied in with the theme we were aiming for. He also gave us a few images he's used in the work he's done and chosen a body text font, Helvetica Neue light, which we also all agreed complemented the typefaces we had used in the creation of the logo.

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