Summer Fun, Done. Back To Business.

As summers go, I had an eventful one. The highlight has to be when it all kicked off with a spare of the moment trip to Nantes, France for three days. The tickets may have been £2.50 each but no one thought of booking a hotel! So, dodgy hotels and youth hostels lead us off to parts unknown to us all but I got to see a part of Nantes probably a lot of people have never seen before. With a camera in my hand and the thought of potentially sleeping rough that night meant I was constantly aware of what was around me.
In the end though it all went well and I got some great pictures of Nantes and my mates with my Holga. I think having to keep my wits about me in France has taught me to always keep my eyes open wherever I go and really take in my surroundings.

Now the time has come. Back to the (fairly) real world and time to knuckle down! I know the second year will be tough and a real challenge but I'm ready for it and I fully intend on 'geeking -it up' this year! (Starting with this blog!)

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